Services | Customized Engineering
All studies of A & B Energy are based in National and International Standards and also in an innovative mixture of field and real data measurements
NZEB New Building Design
Design to Convert a Building into a NZEB
Air conditioning SOURCED Sea Water
Free cooling applications and Automation
Heat Recovery from Chillers studies
Heat Recovery from Central Vendilation Systems studies
Heat Recovery from gas boilers exhaust gases studies
BMS Upgrade to BEMS
Design Optimization of specific Buildings Automations & industries
Chimney wind catchers Studies
Shading facades Studies
Studies on Air Buried Tube design
Studies of specific HX-Heat Exchangers
Ice Bank & PCM Design for Cooling Storage
Absorption Chillers Design
Bioclimatic Component Construction and Implementation
KENAK Studies (Greek National Energy Labeling Guide for Buildings) & Electomechanical Plants
Solar cooling Studies in buildings
Central solar system Architecture
Thermal solar systems in industries
Geothermal systems in buildings
Geothermal systems in industries
RES in buildings
RES in industries
Studies of heat pumps in buildings
Studies of heat pumps in industries
CHP systems & Saving in Buildings
CHP systems & Saving industries
BEMS design
Data Centre infrastructure Design
Automation infrastructure & Telecommunications
Hybrid systems infrastructure and energy storage